Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sorry, but its a long story..

Okay for those who actually appreciate me and my blog and all that goodness..
I just want to say thanks for all the support and what not....

BUT, there has been some complications due to DRAMA!
And its a very long story.
So i wont be on here too much but continue to show love and check back on here to see whats up.
Umm so yeah dont forget about me!!!
I'll be back in business soon hopefully.
But when i do come back I'll have a very long post explaining whats been going on..
But right now im kinda occupied with a whole bunch of unnecessary CRAP!
So until then this is goodbye.
Well really a see you later!

-Carlton Jane

Friday, November 13, 2009

Please. Please. Dont Leave Me. =[

Gonna be gone for awhile.

Long story.

Cant explain now.

So yeah.


I guess i gotta go now.

So uhh,