Sunday, September 27, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

I love you Kid Cudi!

Okay so idk if you guys knew this or not. But Kid Cudi deleted his twitter and he explained via someone named Heather. idk who she is nor do i care. Anyway.................

So i was reading his reason and it just made me love and appreciate him so much more. Kid Cudi is official DOPE! Well, he has always been Dope. But this just put him on another level of DOPENESS!

Check out the reason why "Cudi Left Twitter" below:

"The REAL reason i deleted twitter, in MY own words.. i wanted to keep my mind to myself again, u kno, like how it use to be. i put so much of ME into my music i gotta draw the line somewhere. plus my words fall into the wrong hands a lot. I’ll leave u with this cool quote i came up with“Hear he, Hear he, no one shall ever get close to me, think of then and think of this, iam now the man the myth”….spread this quote to all u kno.

To my fans, i do love u and ill see u at the shows and give up daps and pound when i can. sometimes shit can be crazy and i wont have time to stop and talk. with that being said dont ever think im turnin my back on u cuz id never. u never turned ur back on me and i wont forget that. everyone that has met me knows if i can stop and say wut it be, then ill stop and say wut it be…anywho, u like ME cuz im ME and this is ME taking control of my life again. THANK YOU to all who copped and supported my debut album. shit is still surreal to me but iam def on cloud 9. first weeks sales were 104,419 copies sold. iam very blessed to have so much support from all of u guys. for once in my life i finally feel important.
goodbye, i love u all sincerely. til we meet #inthesestreets
peace and love
from ur bud, Cud"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! He's soooo cool !
Okay well I love him. You love him. We all love him.

-Carlton Jane

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Just to let you know!

DSC00617 (2)Hola! (Hi in Spanish). Anyway lately I’ve been browsing through other people’s blogs and what not. And I’ve come to this conclusion:

You can’t have a successful blog without giving some info about yourself. MEANING; Get personal. Let your fans- actually i don't want to say fans; Well, let your subscribers and everyone else in on some things.

So I’ll let you guys in on some things. Hmm, Lets see!

My name is Carlton Jane. (obviously…)

Umm, I like all types of music! It keeps me sane!

I absolutely love Pharell, Janelle Monae, Wale, Charles Hamilton, Flobots, Hayley Williams, Brendon Song, Pete Wentz, Alex Gaskarth, Idris Elba, Michael Ealy……….. ( i was supposed to be listing music artists but i got off track with the last two. Oh well.)

i could go on and on and on for days about who else i love. But im so not going to.

Umm, I’m an artist! Seriously like i love to draw. My room is filled with my artwork. I’m a poet and author. Usually when im bored i write poetry and occasionally i have written some short stories. Just out of pure randomness. I would love to be apart of the fashion industry. I’m so easily inspired by the simplest things. Is “simplest” a word? Anyway, my longtime friend and I would love to start our own fashion line. But that’s another story!

My personality ? Hmm, lets think. Most people describe me as a random and weird person. But weird and random is DOPE in my eyes so step back! Hah! I made a funny! Okay maybe not. Whatever!

Okay to sum this all up. Im completely normal! Sort of normal. but hey i put my pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else. Don't judge me because i wont fall for society’s standards! Whatever, Im done here!

Well enjoy!!!!

Copy of IMG000027

- Carlton Jane

Friday, September 18, 2009


Yes people! Thats right.

Obama called Kanye West a jack***

because of the whole Taylor Swift incident.

Dang yo! Obama goes hard !

To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!
To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!
To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!
To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!
To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Watch The Trailer for the movie Takers!

Who's in it ? Well, Let me tell you:

Idris Elba
Michael Ealy
Chris Brown

I surely dont know about you, but i cant wait to see this movie. But it doesnt premiere until 2010. Oh well, i can wait.

Im Back.... Temporarily

I've been gone for awhile. And i havent really posted anything or check my blog !
But thats only because my laptop is being dumb.
So yeah, until i feel like buying a new one I probably wont be on here.
So people BARE WITH ME ! soo yeah umm bye !

NEW!! "Break up to make up" by Jeremih Premiere Video ! Not really feeling it!

Not really feeling this!
But what do you think ?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lauren London gives birth to her new baby boy ! And Guess who was in the delivery room!?

Lauren London gave birth to new baby boy. Lil Wayne was there. Blah blah blah !!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Christina Millian && The Dream got married!

Finally. They did it ! A little after midnight last week in one of those quickie weddings in Vegas! Whatever, i honestly don't care !

Monday, September 7, 2009

Nicki Minaj ! Itty Bitty Piggy is Dope !

her voice bothers me though!

NEW!! "So Dope" By New Boyz Premiere Video !

Umm, i dont know if i like this song!

Its rather CHEESY but the music video is kinda cool !

Use Somebody !

Paramore did a lovely acoustic cover of "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon!
I Love it !

Wale new album Cover !


Wale New Album Cover is dope !

Im so excited !!!! I cant wait to hear it !

I Love Wale ! His skills are skills !

Kid Cudi Album Cover & Track Listing !


yo CHILL !

Look, i know i asked for those who actually look at my blog to comment, subscribe, etc. but SERIOUSLY! Okay, if your going to comment on one of MY posts. Dont be tripping over what i said ! In other words dont be whiling out over something i said. If your going to leave a comment make it a RESPECTFUL one ! Dropping the F-bombs ! On MY POST ! Yo, you buggin out! You wont find me cussing on here, so dont you do it ! Do you talk to your mother like that! Umm, i would hope not ! (i had to laugh at that one) . But anyway let me make this clear!

1.)Dont use any appropriate language in a comment you are posting !
2.) Dont get upset over something i said. Everyone is titled to their own opinion! DUH!
3.) Just because you think one way doesn't mean i think the same! So stop TRIPPIN !
Geez, people bother me !