Monday, September 7, 2009

yo CHILL !

Look, i know i asked for those who actually look at my blog to comment, subscribe, etc. but SERIOUSLY! Okay, if your going to comment on one of MY posts. Dont be tripping over what i said ! In other words dont be whiling out over something i said. If your going to leave a comment make it a RESPECTFUL one ! Dropping the F-bombs ! On MY POST ! Yo, you buggin out! You wont find me cussing on here, so dont you do it ! Do you talk to your mother like that! Umm, i would hope not ! (i had to laugh at that one) . But anyway let me make this clear!

1.)Dont use any appropriate language in a comment you are posting !
2.) Dont get upset over something i said. Everyone is titled to their own opinion! DUH!
3.) Just because you think one way doesn't mean i think the same! So stop TRIPPIN !
Geez, people bother me !

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