Saturday, January 2, 2010

What a way to start off 2010:

Hello my loves,

Here's a story for you:

Thursday evening I left my quiet home and drove over to my friend Mary's house. We popped some bottles, ate some M&M's, harrassed her little brother about his new girlfriend, and acted a fool; ya know, the usual! Haha, so it was a me, mary, and some other of our friends and we were counting down with the rest of the world: "5,.. 4,.. 3,.. 2,.. 1..! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!". Me being the person I am gulp down the remainder of my sparkling cider and jump in mary's arms and of course we both fall. And out of nowhere her new dog Fancy comes running towards us (well really running towards me) on the floor and it's about to jump and freakin attack me until I hop my butt off the floor and look to Mary for some help. Then of course she yells for Fancy to cut it out. Blah blah blah! Just when I thought I wanted a dog, I changed my mind! Haha just joking. I still want a dog but a very tiny little puppy that will most likely stay the same size and isn't hyper. I can't stand a hype dog bouncing all over the place! For the rest of the night we chilled, most of them passed out all over the place with covers over their heads. I had to take pictures of that! Priceless memories.....

Next morning woke up in Mary's bed while Mary happened to be on the floor. Why? To be honest I don't even know. Anyway after the whole brush your teeth, wash your face ordeal, I suggested a nice little walk around the block. So I threw on an oversized sweater, my Uggs, and a scarf around my head and we were gone. I have pictures of that too if you would like to see. I'll upload them later. So yeah we even saw a horse on a ranch near her house which was cool. I took a picture with it. Ummm, since there was still snow outside we had to throw some snowballs. Brings back childhood memories right? I know... Anyway as we finally get kinda sorta close to her house we see this "figure" just coming towards us full speed and guess what it was! You guessed right, it was her dog Fancy. Soo long story short Fancy ran into traffic and we had to hop in mary's car and follow her dog down the street. It was soo funny b/c of mary's little outbursts. So yeah. Then for dinner Mary cooked a crapload of food and more people came over. I was the bartender!! But all I made was daquris. But they were soo yummy.

The "friend" got mad at me for not coming to see him! Blah blah blah bullcrap! I have a life too! W/e! Well I'm not tired but my fingers are getting lazy. So yeah I'm out this peace son! Lol, I don't really talk like that. Okay well I really do talk like that but it sounds better when I say it than when you read it. Whatever, I'm out dawg!

- sade rene

P.S. - sorry if there are alot of mistakes and errors. I'm typing on mary's iphone and my eyes and fingers are moving too quickly for me to see any errors unless they are right where I'm looking. And I'm too lazy to get her laptop from downstairs.

Ugh!!! This dumb blanket she gave me is itchy and uncomfortable! This sucks!

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