Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Im back.

Turns out.....
i have a FEVER !
So that kinda sucks.
im watching the Bad Girls Club marathon.
Dont you know how the Oxygen network always
plays all the previous episodes to lead up to the premiere episode?
Well yeah, thats what im watching that.
Its the episode where Natalie and Portia are fighting.
Well, technically its over now. B/c it is now 1pm.
But it was on a second ago.
Okay im done rambling on about that.
I love Portia though.
She was my favorite.
Natalie gets on my nerves though w/ her
"I RUN LA. I RUN LA" crap!
Question: If you so called "Run LA" why are you on the oxygen network?
Question: Why havent i heard of you before Bad Girls Club came out?
Just a question.
A mild thought.
But it was funny when Portia clocked her though.
Next topic.
Hmmm, what can i talk about.
I just finished eating spaghetti.
I just did a spell check to make sure i spelled
spaghetti right.
Im trying to think of any stories i could tell.
Oh! Okay so me and Mary.
(If you actually read my blog and my posts and look at the picture,
you would know who Mary is!
But if this is your first time here, i highly suggest visiting my old posts)
Back to the story:
So me and Mary go to the same church.
And on Sundays for some reason i aways leave out the
house w/o breakfast. So i called Mary before she came to my house
and told her to bring me some breakfast.
SO i got in the car and she hands me this big plate of
scrambled eggs, bacon (turkey bacon, of course), a sausage,
a biscuit, a couple napkins, and Kool-aid in a coffee mug.
So that was nice.
Anyways, so after i got in the car and ate my food
i wasnt completely prepared for church.
So me being the person i am
brought my mirror ( its kind of big ), my big bottle of lotion,
a lint roller, and many more things that i dont feel like listing.
Anyway so we get to the church and sit in the car
for like 10 minutes.
Because, i wasnt done putting on lotion on my legs
(i had a dress on),
i needed to get some lint of my cardigan,
i needed to put lip gloss on and fix my hair in the mirror, etc.
So me and mary was just geeking in the car, even though
we needed to be in church.
AND THEN when we get into church
we was talking the whole time.
So i decided to step out real quick to get my self together.
So i go to the bathroom and fixed my hair again then
Mary walks in laughing for no reason and
she pushes me against the wall and it was something
sticking out of it.
when i hit the wall my arm scraped up against the
thingy stiking out of it. And now i have a huge scrape/welch thingy
on my arm. I would show you guys but it looks kindof gross. So yeah.
Long sleeved shirts until that heals.
But umm yeah, that story was long and pointless.
Im going to be writing posts all day!

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