Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lady Gaga is a hermaphrodite !?

Okay i've just been informed on some kinda disturbing news !

Lady Gaga was born a hermaphrodite !

A hermaphrodite is an organism that has both male and female reproductive organs, according to wikipedia. In other words its a person with a penis and vagina!

OMG ! idk what to say about this!

When i first found out about this im just like okay this is a total RUMOR !
Until i started researching it more and BOOM i found this picture !

Lady Gaga even admitted it herself ! Here's what she had to say about it!:

“It’s (being a hermaphrodite) not something that I’m ashamed of, just isn’t something that i go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but i consider myself a female. Its just a little bit of a penis and really doesnt interfere much with my life. the reason I haven’t talked about it is that its not a big deal to me. like come on. its not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I’m sexy, I’m hot. i have both a poon and a peener. big f***ing deal.”

Umm ok, "Poon and penner"! what the heck !

im speechless at this point !

Lady Gaga not trying to be predujice or anything but you sure a one weird girl !

but i still think your dope (in a weird way )



  1. haha its def not a blow up doll, that pic is from a video, look up the vid on google!!

  2. how legit is that?

    that pic is out of focus...not exactly what I'd call a penis, more like a nut or something.

    I dont think anyones wondering about her genetalia...people are too busy asking what the hell is she wearing...

  3. if you ask me i tink dat she aint all dat and shes a FREAK and she wears weird clothes and she must be tone deaf coz i erd better from my nephew and hes 2


  5. this is totally NOT fake, therefore doesn't mean that she's different and that you all have to be talking sh*t she's still the bomb and what can I say she's just her, like it or not you aint nobody to judge her... ;Lizbeth.

  6. if she has a penis, can she do herself

  7. can she make herself pregnant?

  8. Everyone needs to understand that humans cannot actually be hermaphrodites.. the term is thrown around but she does not actually have a penis. She has an enlarged clitoris that LOOKS like a penis. No testicles, she doesn't get boners, yadda yadda. Its just a genetic mixup. She is still a woman, but due to a genetic error she has an enlarged clitoris. Not a big deal and nothing to be concerned about.

  9. All of you people are sad.. Lady Gaga is just like any other Human on earth, just different in one simple way, she just has her own unique style and i respect her greatly for being such a cool person that doesnt give a shit about what people like you say about her. Much love to Lady Gaga, she has talent and courage, no one should talk shit on a person like that.

  10. Enlarged Clitoris...LOL.... once it goes past an inch love its a c0ck

  11. thee 1st pic is not her thats a man and LAGY GAGA IS NOT A BOY!!!

  12. http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2009/08/20/katy_perry_thinks_lady_gaga_purposely_st

    i agree with katy perry. lady gaga could have easily put on a strap on, let everyone see it, come out with some comment about it just for attention and to get everyone talking.
    well..it worked. you guys are idiots if you think she actually has a dick.
    and yeah look at her outfits..theyre crazy but it gets her noticed. she likes to be known as weird, so why not fake a penis and cause everyone to be like 'WHAT???'

  13. oh and for hte picture above...of her in that white outfit...some women just have more skin down there...not everyone is totally flat get over it it doesnt mean they have a dick...plus shes squatting what do you expect?

  14. well. uhm. i still rate her as one of my favorite singers.

  15. the words in the be no senseless cry
