Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Cheer, Snickeerdoodles, and a Headache....

Merry Christmas!

Hmmm, what can i say...
Im at the fams house of course. I baked Snickerdoodles (and chocalate chip but i like snickerdoodles better)! My annoying little brother kept yelling and crap in my ear. So thats why the title says ".. and a Headache.." b/c i have a really bad one. Umm what else can i talk about..

Crap! I gotta go; The fam needs me to help in the kitchen
Cause we all know i can cook !
But ill be back.

Some updated photos are coming too.

Adios !

-Carlton Jane

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dude, your definitely trippin.........

Oh boy, do i have a story to tell you? Of course i do. Okay so i've been informed that Chris Brown's new album will sell less than 100,000 copies. And chris brown is pissed off. No, thats an understatement. He's....idek... But he mad.
Here's what he had to say about it on his Twitter:
  • im tired of this sh*t. major stores r blackballing my cd. not stockin the shelves and lying to costumers. what the f*ck do i gotta do...
  • WTF... yeah i said it and i aint retracting shit
  • im not biting my tongue about sh*t else... the industry can kiss my ass
  • thx again to my real fans. u dont go unnoticed .love yall

Dude, you cant blame the industies for low sales. Did you forget you just beat your girlfriend up not too long ago. Like me i was supporting both sides of the story: Rihanna; b/c she is the victim and Chris: b/c he does need some type of support. Anyways but seriously it has been some time since the accident but most people havent grown to like him again. But its kind of dumb that he blames the industry when his sales are low b/c of his actions. Duh!

Come on, Chris! You're a smart dude and all so why be dumb.

No one forgives and forgets that fast!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! New Video!

This is my jam!
"Say Something" By Timbaland Feat. Drake

Monday, December 7, 2009


On The Bedrock Video by Young Money:

Okay, so when i first heard the song i was like "Okay, this is broing. Moving on". And i went on about my business. Then i watched this video today like 3 times and actually listened to the words and w/e; Come to find out i actually like this song. So yeah... One second; Hold up! Why do they even mention that girl "Shanelle" if she doesnt even open her mouth in the song. All she did was a cameo. Who is she? Well, obviously she's a member of Young Money. But like....idek... Looks like i have some research to do.

On the Lemonade Video by Gucci Mane:

To start things off i dont really like the color yellow too much. But thats besides the point. Umm the song is okay. Like i just listened to it. I didnt really pay any attention to it. Soo yeah. The chorus kinda creeps me out. W/e!
On the Whiplash Video by PacDiv:

My new favorite song!
Point Blank.
End of Story.
On One Love video by Trey Songz:
I loveee Trey Songz, so of course i love this song.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

How many times can i stress this...?

Dear Readers and Supporters,
I, Carlton Jane, ask you once again to keep it PG-13 when leaving comments. I understand this is the United States and you have freedom of speech and all that good crap. But listen, this here is my property. And i'll ask you nicely to keep your vocabulary limited. I think its really dumb for people to curse for no reason. But okay, i get it kinda sorta. To those im addressing, you know who you are. And honestly, i understand that you may feel strongly about something i may have said but you can disagree if you want. I really dont care but seriously dont sit there and waste your life cursing about something i said. Its a waste of time and energy leaving very disrespectful comments. I'm the type of person to ignore you the second i feel disrespected. So to those who left me comments with a handful of curse words, DUDE the first curse word i saw.. Guess what i did. I CLICKED REJECT! Umm, hellllllllllooooooooo... Why should i even waste my energy reading your bullcrap. Come on people, GET A LIFE!. And i know im wasting my life writing a post about you clowns, but i felt it was necessary!


Back in business......

Okay sooo im back obviously. Umm what can i write about..
Oh yeah,
If you were wondering why i was gone for OH SO LONG!
Here's why.

I cant really get into details because its rather personal. But just know that something happened in my family and i, being the person i am, had to deal with it. Anyway so yeah so basically the situation gave me no personal time to check in on here. So yeah....

To those who actually checked back in constantly to see if i was back and those who still support me and like my blog: I just want to thank you so much for all the love and support.!

But im pretty sure i'll have plenty of time to be on here now!
