Sunday, December 6, 2009

How many times can i stress this...?

Dear Readers and Supporters,
I, Carlton Jane, ask you once again to keep it PG-13 when leaving comments. I understand this is the United States and you have freedom of speech and all that good crap. But listen, this here is my property. And i'll ask you nicely to keep your vocabulary limited. I think its really dumb for people to curse for no reason. But okay, i get it kinda sorta. To those im addressing, you know who you are. And honestly, i understand that you may feel strongly about something i may have said but you can disagree if you want. I really dont care but seriously dont sit there and waste your life cursing about something i said. Its a waste of time and energy leaving very disrespectful comments. I'm the type of person to ignore you the second i feel disrespected. So to those who left me comments with a handful of curse words, DUDE the first curse word i saw.. Guess what i did. I CLICKED REJECT! Umm, hellllllllllooooooooo... Why should i even waste my energy reading your bullcrap. Come on people, GET A LIFE!. And i know im wasting my life writing a post about you clowns, but i felt it was necessary!


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