Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dude, your definitely trippin.........

Oh boy, do i have a story to tell you? Of course i do. Okay so i've been informed that Chris Brown's new album will sell less than 100,000 copies. And chris brown is pissed off. No, thats an understatement. He's....idek... But he mad.
Here's what he had to say about it on his Twitter:
  • im tired of this sh*t. major stores r blackballing my cd. not stockin the shelves and lying to costumers. what the f*ck do i gotta do...
  • WTF... yeah i said it and i aint retracting shit
  • im not biting my tongue about sh*t else... the industry can kiss my ass
  • thx again to my real fans. u dont go unnoticed .love yall

Dude, you cant blame the industies for low sales. Did you forget you just beat your girlfriend up not too long ago. Like me i was supporting both sides of the story: Rihanna; b/c she is the victim and Chris: b/c he does need some type of support. Anyways but seriously it has been some time since the accident but most people havent grown to like him again. But its kind of dumb that he blames the industry when his sales are low b/c of his actions. Duh!

Come on, Chris! You're a smart dude and all so why be dumb.

No one forgives and forgets that fast!


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