Saturday, February 13, 2010

ahhhhh, Valentines Day.

As i sit here in the bed and listen all the love songs on this freaking ipod, i just happened to think about what tomorrow is. Well, here we are ladies and gentlemen:

Valentines Day!
Am i excited? My answer to that: yes and no. But we'll get back to me later. I really want to talk about this. Okay so i paid Valentines Day no attention until today. So i've been on twitter a lot later. (Follow Me!) anyway so you know, everyone's talking about it, talking about love and what not. Real-live examples below:

I thought the first one was really funny, b/c i totally didnt know wht he was talking about. Anyway, so everyone is talking about Valentines day. I've never been the type of person to be overly excited about Valentines Day. Whats the reason for that? Honestly, i dont even know. I love all the romantic, lovey-dovey, kiss-kiss crap and all but idk every year Valentines Day comes around im just like "ohh well, whatever".

I remember, i think it was like last year or the year before that i was going out with this boy (I'm going to call him Ray for privacy purposes), anyway so me and Ray were going out. One day we were on the phone talking "blah blah blah" so then he goes "Hey, what do you want for Valentines Day?". and me completely forgetting about the romantic day for couples was like "Uhhh, i dont know. Surprise me, i guess". So that was that and he wanted me to surprise him too. SO finally on Valentines Day i saw him and he had this big ol' extravagant basket filled w/ all this stuff in it and a card and a TEDDY BEAR! im thinking like "Okay, dude went all out! What the heck is he gonna think about what i got him". So then he hands me all this stuff and he looks at my tiny little red bag with a card and his favorite Hershey Kisses in it and he laughs and hugs me. EMBARRASSING! I felt like a total jerk b/c dude went all out and i went to Rite Aid and threw together something. I was busy that day and the closest store w/ V-day stuff in it was Rite Aid. DONT JUDGE ME! lmbo, that wont happen again.

Well, that brings me to this year. So this year i have a valentine. Two, actually and thats the problem. Okay my bestest friend in the whole entire world Derek and I have been talking about how we're gonna be each other's Valentine for like a couple weeks now. So then recently i met this chill dude (I'm gonna call him Que for privacy purposes), so yeah Que's cool and what not so then he asks me to be his valentine over TWITTER! So long story short i told him yes and i told Derek that he wasnt my only valentine. and guess what... HE GOES OFF ON ME! He's like "Omfg, are you serious? Why would you tell another dude that you'll be his valentine? I had it planned out and everything! I was gonna buy you some flowers and ask you to be my valentine and its was gonna be so romantic! But no. No, you just had to up and tell someone else that your his. So what about me? Huh? Ugh, our very first Valentines Day and you wanna mess it up...... blah blah blah" So thats not even half the stuff he said to me.

So, im just sitting on the phone dumbfounded and Mary was next to me whispering "What's going on?", "What's he saying?", and "Put him on speaker". So now Derek is mad at me. Wont even talk to me and if im not mistaking i think he cried. (dont laugh at him). Maybe im wrong. Maybe im not. Idek. But i felt bad b/c you know this is my bestest friend in the whole wide world that i just made super upset! So im sad now. =(
Im calling him now..... AGAIN..




"Hey, you've reached Derek....." ( I hung up)
I think he hit the ignore button b/c what phone rings 3 times and then goes to voicemail.

So much for my Valentines Day...

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