Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lions, Tigers, and Bears! OH MY!

umm, Hello!
Im back for the moment. Back over Mary's.
Life is decent. Not really anything special.
Mary is calling random people, telling them that her name is...:
Erkel Denim!!
Hilarious; so if you get a call from Ms.Denim, you know it was her.
Hmmmm, im waiting for 10 to come around so i can watch the new episode of.....
Are you gonna watch it?
If you dont, guess what?
Your LAME!
hehe, jk.
ITS ONNN!!!!!!
Ambers bf is ug!
She think she hard but she not. She got her butt whupped.
Florina is lonely and felt the need to communicate through Post-Its.
omg, get a life people.
Until the next time, hun.
Okay about Florina watching Kendra, Lexie, and that random guy:
Florina if your not their mother then dont watch. DUMMY!
ugh, she kills me!

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