Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Cheer, Snickeerdoodles, and a Headache....

Merry Christmas!

Hmmm, what can i say...
Im at the fams house of course. I baked Snickerdoodles (and chocalate chip but i like snickerdoodles better)! My annoying little brother kept yelling and crap in my ear. So thats why the title says ".. and a Headache.." b/c i have a really bad one. Umm what else can i talk about..

Crap! I gotta go; The fam needs me to help in the kitchen
Cause we all know i can cook !
But ill be back.

Some updated photos are coming too.

Adios !

-Carlton Jane

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dude, your definitely trippin.........

Oh boy, do i have a story to tell you? Of course i do. Okay so i've been informed that Chris Brown's new album will sell less than 100,000 copies. And chris brown is pissed off. No, thats an understatement. He's....idek... But he mad.
Here's what he had to say about it on his Twitter:
  • im tired of this sh*t. major stores r blackballing my cd. not stockin the shelves and lying to costumers. what the f*ck do i gotta do...
  • WTF... yeah i said it and i aint retracting shit
  • im not biting my tongue about sh*t else... the industry can kiss my ass
  • thx again to my real fans. u dont go unnoticed .love yall

Dude, you cant blame the industies for low sales. Did you forget you just beat your girlfriend up not too long ago. Like me i was supporting both sides of the story: Rihanna; b/c she is the victim and Chris: b/c he does need some type of support. Anyways but seriously it has been some time since the accident but most people havent grown to like him again. But its kind of dumb that he blames the industry when his sales are low b/c of his actions. Duh!

Come on, Chris! You're a smart dude and all so why be dumb.

No one forgives and forgets that fast!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! New Video!

This is my jam!
"Say Something" By Timbaland Feat. Drake

Monday, December 7, 2009


On The Bedrock Video by Young Money:

Okay, so when i first heard the song i was like "Okay, this is broing. Moving on". And i went on about my business. Then i watched this video today like 3 times and actually listened to the words and w/e; Come to find out i actually like this song. So yeah... One second; Hold up! Why do they even mention that girl "Shanelle" if she doesnt even open her mouth in the song. All she did was a cameo. Who is she? Well, obviously she's a member of Young Money. But like....idek... Looks like i have some research to do.

On the Lemonade Video by Gucci Mane:

To start things off i dont really like the color yellow too much. But thats besides the point. Umm the song is okay. Like i just listened to it. I didnt really pay any attention to it. Soo yeah. The chorus kinda creeps me out. W/e!
On the Whiplash Video by PacDiv:

My new favorite song!
Point Blank.
End of Story.
On One Love video by Trey Songz:
I loveee Trey Songz, so of course i love this song.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

How many times can i stress this...?

Dear Readers and Supporters,
I, Carlton Jane, ask you once again to keep it PG-13 when leaving comments. I understand this is the United States and you have freedom of speech and all that good crap. But listen, this here is my property. And i'll ask you nicely to keep your vocabulary limited. I think its really dumb for people to curse for no reason. But okay, i get it kinda sorta. To those im addressing, you know who you are. And honestly, i understand that you may feel strongly about something i may have said but you can disagree if you want. I really dont care but seriously dont sit there and waste your life cursing about something i said. Its a waste of time and energy leaving very disrespectful comments. I'm the type of person to ignore you the second i feel disrespected. So to those who left me comments with a handful of curse words, DUDE the first curse word i saw.. Guess what i did. I CLICKED REJECT! Umm, hellllllllllooooooooo... Why should i even waste my energy reading your bullcrap. Come on people, GET A LIFE!. And i know im wasting my life writing a post about you clowns, but i felt it was necessary!


Back in business......

Okay sooo im back obviously. Umm what can i write about..
Oh yeah,
If you were wondering why i was gone for OH SO LONG!
Here's why.

I cant really get into details because its rather personal. But just know that something happened in my family and i, being the person i am, had to deal with it. Anyway so yeah so basically the situation gave me no personal time to check in on here. So yeah....

To those who actually checked back in constantly to see if i was back and those who still support me and like my blog: I just want to thank you so much for all the love and support.!

But im pretty sure i'll have plenty of time to be on here now!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sorry, but its a long story..

Okay for those who actually appreciate me and my blog and all that goodness..
I just want to say thanks for all the support and what not....

BUT, there has been some complications due to DRAMA!
And its a very long story.
So i wont be on here too much but continue to show love and check back on here to see whats up.
Umm so yeah dont forget about me!!!
I'll be back in business soon hopefully.
But when i do come back I'll have a very long post explaining whats been going on..
But right now im kinda occupied with a whole bunch of unnecessary CRAP!
So until then this is goodbye.
Well really a see you later!

-Carlton Jane

Friday, November 13, 2009

Please. Please. Dont Leave Me. =[

Gonna be gone for awhile.

Long story.

Cant explain now.

So yeah.


I guess i gotta go now.

So uhh,



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Im not too sure on what to say about this....

Okay let me start off saying:
ONE: im not the type of person to even look twice at videos like this
TWO: im not the type of person who is amused by this stuff
THREE: im VERY suprised that i even found this funny but on the other hand it kinda disturbed me.... Watch the video then ill tell why it disburbed me !

Okay this video disturbed me because the baby (not sure if it was a girl or boy) actually got down and started shakin it's booty ! Like idk that kind of creeped me out and made me feel so uncomfortable. But on the other hand i did find it somewhat humerous.

But w/e! what did you think of this vid.?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

These vids made me like Melanie Fiona!

Her music is definitely legit !

You gotta love it !

Gucci Mane dropped a 3 Mixtape Series called "The Cold War"

I downloaded it of course! And of the few songs i've listened to, i can actually say its DOPE!
Soo the whole mixtape is called "The Cold War". There are three parts to it: "Guccimerica, Great BRRRitain, and BRRR Russia." Download them below.

Click Here to Download: Gucci Mane & DJ Drama - Guccimerica

Click Here to Download: Gucci Mane & DJ Holiday - BURRR RUSSIA

yooooo, his lips be KILLIN ME!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything Video

Wale Feat. Rihanna - Contemplate

WOW! This boy throws a fit over some noodles then swears on his grandmother's grave!

Watch it below! I wanted to laugh so bad! Trust and believe i did but then i felt bad cause lil dude was forreal mad about them noodles. Aww, poor thing he must be starvin'. Lmbo!! I had to laugh eventually though.

Hey! Jay-Z was spotted clubbin with some random chica!

Hmm, Who might she be?

But im just wondering where is BEYONCE at?

Ne-yo - Love U

New Song !

Chris Brown - Crawl

New Song !

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oh My Gee!

I have a new found obsession with Trey Songz.
I dont even know where it came from but its here now.
And i love himm with a passion!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Random French crap!

Okay so there's this song called "Comment Te Dire Adieu" by Françoise Hardy. Its French and i dont know any French at all. But i heard this song on some random website i was on and i fell in love with it. I have no idea what the heck this lady is talking about but i dont even care. It has a nice little melody or something like that. Whatever. Listen to it yourself.

Oh yeah, its from like 1968 or 67'. Something like that.
I was told the meaning of the song is something about saying goodbye.
What do yall think about this song?

Then the album artwork is dope! This is perfect except for i dont know what she's saying.

Well, i could look up the translated lyrics but im too lazy to be doing all tht. So w/e!


Okay so im at a friend's house and well we're blowing up ballons. And i just happened to pick out a weirdly shaped ballon. Its not important what shape it was but anyway so as i startto blow it up i start getting like REALLY ANXIOUS. so i start to breathe out harder then the balloon popped right on my lip! and it really HURT! like really bad. So i grab another ballon and start blowing that one up while trying to be catious of how much air im breathing out then it BURSTS on my lip again! so my upper lip is now red and sore!

Chris Brown's new songs!

First Song- "I Can Transform Ya" Feat. Lil Wayne & Swiss Beatz
My thoughts - I absolutely love this song!
You'll love it too!
Second Song- So Cold
My thoughts - Chris, Stop Whining all the time! lol, jk. Umm i think this song is w/e. Like its obviously about rihanna! DUH! A deaf monkey could figure tht out! Lmbo! I dont even know where tht came from. It was soo random and it didnt even make sense. Okay whatever. Forget i just said tht. Back to the topic. i dont have anything bad to say about this song but i dont have anything good to say either. its just another song on the radio. Check it out.

Monday, October 12, 2009


my stupid laptop is broken !!!
grr! so i wont be on here until i buy a new one!
so see ya until then

-Carlton Jane

Saturday, October 3, 2009

"More Careful" by T-Pain!

Aww this makes me feel so bad for him !

Like okay i understand the beef between Jay-Z and him but "Death of AutoTune" obviously made him feel bad. And the whole thing where T-Pain felt disrespected because Jay-Z didnt say hi and didnt come on tour with him (or something like that); Man, all that other crap! Geez, idk. But UGH! im so sick of all the rapper beef. How about everyone just give and show respect.

T-Pain is talented though.

You can tell that by just listening to the lyrics of the song.

So give it a try!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

I love you Kid Cudi!

Okay so idk if you guys knew this or not. But Kid Cudi deleted his twitter and he explained via someone named Heather. idk who she is nor do i care. Anyway.................

So i was reading his reason and it just made me love and appreciate him so much more. Kid Cudi is official DOPE! Well, he has always been Dope. But this just put him on another level of DOPENESS!

Check out the reason why "Cudi Left Twitter" below:

"The REAL reason i deleted twitter, in MY own words.. i wanted to keep my mind to myself again, u kno, like how it use to be. i put so much of ME into my music i gotta draw the line somewhere. plus my words fall into the wrong hands a lot. I’ll leave u with this cool quote i came up with“Hear he, Hear he, no one shall ever get close to me, think of then and think of this, iam now the man the myth”….spread this quote to all u kno.

To my fans, i do love u and ill see u at the shows and give up daps and pound when i can. sometimes shit can be crazy and i wont have time to stop and talk. with that being said dont ever think im turnin my back on u cuz id never. u never turned ur back on me and i wont forget that. everyone that has met me knows if i can stop and say wut it be, then ill stop and say wut it be…anywho, u like ME cuz im ME and this is ME taking control of my life again. THANK YOU to all who copped and supported my debut album. shit is still surreal to me but iam def on cloud 9. first weeks sales were 104,419 copies sold. iam very blessed to have so much support from all of u guys. for once in my life i finally feel important.
goodbye, i love u all sincerely. til we meet #inthesestreets
peace and love
from ur bud, Cud"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! He's soooo cool !
Okay well I love him. You love him. We all love him.

-Carlton Jane

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Just to let you know!

DSC00617 (2)Hola! (Hi in Spanish). Anyway lately I’ve been browsing through other people’s blogs and what not. And I’ve come to this conclusion:

You can’t have a successful blog without giving some info about yourself. MEANING; Get personal. Let your fans- actually i don't want to say fans; Well, let your subscribers and everyone else in on some things.

So I’ll let you guys in on some things. Hmm, Lets see!

My name is Carlton Jane. (obviously…)

Umm, I like all types of music! It keeps me sane!

I absolutely love Pharell, Janelle Monae, Wale, Charles Hamilton, Flobots, Hayley Williams, Brendon Song, Pete Wentz, Alex Gaskarth, Idris Elba, Michael Ealy……….. ( i was supposed to be listing music artists but i got off track with the last two. Oh well.)

i could go on and on and on for days about who else i love. But im so not going to.

Umm, I’m an artist! Seriously like i love to draw. My room is filled with my artwork. I’m a poet and author. Usually when im bored i write poetry and occasionally i have written some short stories. Just out of pure randomness. I would love to be apart of the fashion industry. I’m so easily inspired by the simplest things. Is “simplest” a word? Anyway, my longtime friend and I would love to start our own fashion line. But that’s another story!

My personality ? Hmm, lets think. Most people describe me as a random and weird person. But weird and random is DOPE in my eyes so step back! Hah! I made a funny! Okay maybe not. Whatever!

Okay to sum this all up. Im completely normal! Sort of normal. but hey i put my pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else. Don't judge me because i wont fall for society’s standards! Whatever, Im done here!

Well enjoy!!!!

Copy of IMG000027

- Carlton Jane

Friday, September 18, 2009


Yes people! Thats right.

Obama called Kanye West a jack***

because of the whole Taylor Swift incident.

Dang yo! Obama goes hard !

To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!
To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!
To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!
To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!
To watch the video CLICK HERE!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Watch The Trailer for the movie Takers!

Who's in it ? Well, Let me tell you:

Idris Elba
Michael Ealy
Chris Brown

I surely dont know about you, but i cant wait to see this movie. But it doesnt premiere until 2010. Oh well, i can wait.

Im Back.... Temporarily

I've been gone for awhile. And i havent really posted anything or check my blog !
But thats only because my laptop is being dumb.
So yeah, until i feel like buying a new one I probably wont be on here.
So people BARE WITH ME ! soo yeah umm bye !

NEW!! "Break up to make up" by Jeremih Premiere Video ! Not really feeling it!

Not really feeling this!
But what do you think ?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lauren London gives birth to her new baby boy ! And Guess who was in the delivery room!?

Lauren London gave birth to new baby boy. Lil Wayne was there. Blah blah blah !!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Christina Millian && The Dream got married!

Finally. They did it ! A little after midnight last week in one of those quickie weddings in Vegas! Whatever, i honestly don't care !

Monday, September 7, 2009

Nicki Minaj ! Itty Bitty Piggy is Dope !

her voice bothers me though!

NEW!! "So Dope" By New Boyz Premiere Video !

Umm, i dont know if i like this song!

Its rather CHEESY but the music video is kinda cool !

Use Somebody !

Paramore did a lovely acoustic cover of "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon!
I Love it !

Wale new album Cover !


Wale New Album Cover is dope !

Im so excited !!!! I cant wait to hear it !

I Love Wale ! His skills are skills !

Kid Cudi Album Cover & Track Listing !


yo CHILL !

Look, i know i asked for those who actually look at my blog to comment, subscribe, etc. but SERIOUSLY! Okay, if your going to comment on one of MY posts. Dont be tripping over what i said ! In other words dont be whiling out over something i said. If your going to leave a comment make it a RESPECTFUL one ! Dropping the F-bombs ! On MY POST ! Yo, you buggin out! You wont find me cussing on here, so dont you do it ! Do you talk to your mother like that! Umm, i would hope not ! (i had to laugh at that one) . But anyway let me make this clear!

1.)Dont use any appropriate language in a comment you are posting !
2.) Dont get upset over something i said. Everyone is titled to their own opinion! DUH!
3.) Just because you think one way doesn't mean i think the same! So stop TRIPPIN !
Geez, people bother me !

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to the King !!

Happy Birthday Michael Jackson!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

NEW!!! "Successful (remix)" By Soulja Boy Premiere Video !!

Yoooo, i love this version of successful !

NEW!! "Successful" By Drake feat. Trey Songz Premiere Video Snippet !

NEW MUSIC !!! Trey Songz

OMG ! I just heard this song and now its stuck in my head !
"neighbors know my name" by trey songz


"Forever" by Drake feat. Kanye West, Lil Wayne, and Eminem
Uhhh, not sure how i feel about this !
Some parts was dope !
Keyword: SOME !
but umm whatever hear for yourself !

Actually, i love kanye west's part !

Okay this song is starting to grow on me !

Ohh Snaps ! Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz on a romantic dinner date !

uhhh, WOW!
weird couple ....

OMG !!

What in the foolishness ?

Okay, so lately my hit counter has been increasing like CRAZY !!!! Like 2 days ago i have about 970 hits on my blog and now as im looking i have like 1174 hits ! But here's my issue with this whole thing:
no one wants to subscribe
and or leave comments !!!!!!!
Dang yo ! That really burns me up ! Forreal, like its obvious that there are people that actually digg my blog and what not ! So why dont you leave me a comment on a post ! Or SUBSCRIBE for goodness sake !
So please comment and/or subscribe !
It would be greatly appreciated !

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

He's BACK!

Chris Brown was spotted walking into the Record Plant Recording Studio in L.A. Aww, and Chris does have a heart ! A BIG, FAKE YELLOW one ! lol ! haha ! Its okay Chris ! I still love ya !

Fall Out Boy's Patrick Stump was Arrested !

ABOVE- Patrick's Mugshot (Yuckyy !)

The Fall Out Boy lead singer was caught around midnight for driving without a license out of Beverly Hills court. After he took the mug shot, dude posted bail and was released around 4:30 AM. btw its NOTHING SERIOUS !

Monday, August 24, 2009

NEW ! Mary J Blige "Stronger" Premiere Video !

NEW ! Asher Roth feat. Keri Hilson "She Dont Want A Man" Premiere Video !

Oh Snap ! Jay-Z Called Beyonce a Ho Ho HO !

SMH !!!
(Shaking My Head)!!!

In Jay-Z's new song Off That featuring Drake he refers to his umm WIFE Beyonce as a "ho"!

Here's the lyrics :

I’m just a runway show, but I wear this on my plane - these my runway clothes,

Cashmere sweats - they come out next year, but these [are] my last year sweats,

And my ho’s so sick, your new chick can’t f*ck with my old b*tch,

And you know this shit, I’m professional - you know this is.

I just may let you borrow this, this the Blueprint n*gga follow this.

Listen yourself :

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bow Wow signs to Cash Money/Young Money Records !

Bow wow announced via his twitter that he is signed by the one and only Lil Wayne on the Cash Money/Young Money Record Label!
Grrr !!
I'm not the biggest fan of Bow Wow cause he's uhh WACK !
But thats my opinion ! Anyways, im not too much of a hater so Bow Wow good luck !

Day 26 "So Good" Premiere Video !

Lindsay Lohan Throws a fit ..... In a Deli Market !?

Okay Lohan went to Mott Corner Deli and bought some items. Shortly after he departure, she realized she left her phone! So she went back and told the deli and he insisted on checkingthe security tapes to confirm that it was her phone; i think thats sensible but w/e ! Anyways Lindsey then threw a temper tantrum and got sooo upset that she called NYPD for backup !!


Lindsey, Come on now !

I Know we all love our phones VERY MUCH !

But you call the police over it !

Dude, your buggin out !

Back to the story ! -- Okay so once an officer finally showed up the situation was already "diffused" !

Brody Jenner Hospitalized!

Awww !! Poor Brody ! Okay well we all know Jenner from The Hills! Anyways Brody is in the hospital because "his appendix was exploding. They had to operate on Brody this morning." Well thank goodness he's surrounded by his mother, brother, manager, girlfriend and loved ones ! Lets hope he recovers quickly ! Love you Brody! Get better !

Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Run This Town" by Jay-z (ft. Kanye West & Rihanna) Premiere video !

Hate it or Love it !
I Love it !

The Blueprint 3 ALBUM !

Jay-Z's new album: The Blueprint 3

The Album Cover !
Track Listing !

I know you really cant see that !
but here's an unofficial track listing:

1."What We Talkin' About" featuring Empire of the Sun's Luke Steele.
2."Thank You"
3."D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)"
4."Run This Town" featuring Kanye West and Rihanna
5."Empire State of Mind" featuring Alicia Keys
6."Real as It Gets" featuring Young Jeezy
7."On to the Next One" featuring Swizz Beatz
8."Off That" featuring Drake
9."A Star Is Born" featuring J. Cole
10."Venus vs. Mars"
11."Already Home" featuring Kid Cudi
12."Hate" featuring Kanye West
14."So Ambitious" featuring Pharrell Williams
15."Young Forever" featuring Mr. Hudson

Umm, lets see! So far the album seems pretty much dope ! He has alot of collaborations ! Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Young Jeezy, Swizz Beatz, J.Cole, Pharrell, Kanye West, Kid Cudi, Nas, Drake, and Mr.Hudson are all featured on this album ! So yeah i cant wait to actually here this piece of art !

Kevin Federline let himself GO !


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Geez, lay off the twinkies !
Go exercise! Boy do something.
Dude, Get a Life. Seems to me that
after the Britney break-up, instead of him taking it to
the heart; SOMEONE took it to the gut !
But its okay you can be big and beauitful !
Work that flubber !
Own that belly !

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nice going George !

George Lopez's fam is SUPERLY mad with him!
Why you ask ?
Lopez secretly buried his grandmother without telling his fam ! Thats why ! Great job Funnyman! Too bad your not making anyone laugh!
"George buried our grandma and didn't tell any of us about it," his sister Linda Sierra told reporters.
"He didn't let any of us know -- George's sisters, nephews and nieces are all heartbroken."
Benita Gutierrez (grandmother) was rushed to Holy Cross Hospital on August 12, where she eventually died, according to Sierra. Dipstick had her laid to rest at Glendale’s Forrest Lawn Memorial Park and left family members out of the service and burial.
PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME, what is her reasoning behind all this !?
Not cool dude ?
sooooo, not cool!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Movie Review !

The Ugly Truth
Okay i went to see this movie like last week sometime ! And i liked it ! It was funny! Umm, the movie was kinda predictable! Here's the storyline:
Girl meets Guy! Guy helps Girl to find love. Girl falls for Guy 2. Guy 1 falls in love with Girl. Girl falls in love with Guy 1 and breaks it off with Guy 2 for Guy 1.



Okay, well i seen Orphan like when it first came out. AND OMG!! it was great from the beginning to end ! Its not at all predictable ! SO if you havent seen this movie go buy your ticket now ! There's a twist to the movie! You'll have a love/hate feeling towards the end !

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens Getting Married !!???


Okay i was just informed that this September, Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron are getting married ! Oh boy, what have we here? Hold up they're like 5 years old. Okay well that was a big exaggeration but they are very young. Zac is 21 and Vanessa is 20! OH EMM GEE! A friend of theirs stated “Zac is over the moon Vanessa said yes ! They are both young but they know it’s the real thing.” Okay well, Vanessa said she wants to get married on the beach. Which is very ironic because the two Disney stars fell head over heels for each other in Hawaii!

Celeb Romances !

Drew Barrymore and Justin Long !

Paris Hilotn and Doug Reinhardt !

Christian Milian and The Dream (of course !)

Amber Rose and Kanye West ! (i love them !!!)

Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron (they are supposedly going to get married)

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson

Christina Milian and The Dream Engaged !!!

Aww, Congrats you two ! How lovely.
Okay so The Dream took Christina to the rooftop of his condo in LA where he popped the question with a diamond ring that’s estimated to be $200,000.

Christina said the following about their wedding - "We don't have plans yet -- but it [the wedding] hasn't happened, that I can confirm. We just want to have our closest friends and family there; it's not going to be too big.".

The Dream said the following about them having kids - "I love kids, and [Christina] loves kids probably more than I do, but I think when you're a female in this business, it's kinda hard to do the natural thing that you want to do. You have to do your work -- then whenever she makes that time for herself -- she'll make that time [to have a baby]. In the next couple of years, there'll be something around."

I hope they ACTUALLY stay together ! Unlike most Hollywood couples ! Good luck you two !