Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Big Boi feeds the penguins !

Here's a picture of Big Boi at Seaworld ! Turns out the rapper was on a family trip with his family obviously. Big boi overcame his fear of being cuddled to death (umm ok, lol) by feeding the cuddly little things (penguins)!

53 year old obssesed fan of Miley Cyrus says "I Will F***ing be with Miley" !

TOP - Mark McLeod; BOTTOM - Miley Cyrus

I've just been informed of some really creepy crap ! Okay so the LAPD arrested a 53 year old obsessed fan of the one and only Miley Cyrus in Georgia ! They arrested Mark Mcleod for "disorderly conduct" on June 23 in Tybee Island, GA. He said some REALLY weird crap to the police too. The creep claimed to be "great friends with Miley" and that Miley "told him to come see her today". He also stated " I will F***ing be with Miley.... We're supposed to be together and [the cops] couldnt stop it"

Okay i thought this was super awkward. McLeod said that Miley sent him "secret messages" on her show Hannah Montana. Then the dude tried to brag about "him maliling her two $2,000 diamond rings". He also downplayed Miley's relationship by saying " Miley is only with the Jonas brother for the press".

EWW - Mugshot and pic of Cyrus !

Here's a video of him and others at Miley's book signing in New York. So umm yeah. check it out !

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

uhhh, M A D O N N A ! ?

this is uhh disturbing !
Madonna obviously over worked out to make her arms look so umm hideous!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ewww G R O S S !

Gerald Butler was spotted in the "West Village" digging up his nose !
Geez, that's really attractive !
(sarcasm intended)

Jimmy Falton; What The Heck ?

ummm, ok ! ?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Alexa Chung

If you dont know of alexa chung your crazy !

Alexa Chung was raised in England. She started modeling at the age of 14. She modelled for Elle Girl, Baazar, and CosmoGIRL! and also did cameos in advertisements for products such as Sunsilk, Tampax, and Fanta.

In April 2006, Chung co-hosted along with Alex Zane on the show PopWorld. (i've never heard of it but w/e) June 15 2009, Alexa's new show "It's On With Alexa Chung" premiered on MTV.

i love Alexa Chung! She is legit. But her jokes are kinda corny. I try and catch her show on MTV (which comes on weekdays at 12 noon) but im not woke around 12. Usually i get up around 1 or 1:30. But when i am up, i make sure i dont miss my show.

Here's one of my fav celebs Travis McCoy on the show. Check it out below:
[hah! that rhymed. yo, my rap skills are DOPE! i gotta write my lyrics down. lmaoo)
<a href="" target="_blank">It's On w/Alexa Chung: Travis McCoy</a>

Paris Hilton says Michael Jackson named his daughter after her !

Paris says "My mom and Michael went to high school together and they were best friends since they were 13," Paris explains. "So I grew up knowing Michael very well and when he had his daughter, he always loved the name Paris and grew up being an uncle to me. So he asked my mom if it was okay and of course she said yes and I think she's such a beautiful little girl and I'm proud we have the same name".

My opinion on this would just be that i wouldnt be wasting my time bragging about michael jackson's liking of my name!
What The Heck?
Geez, these young celebs these days; Always thinking its about them!

-Carlton Jane

Solange new cut!

Question: why is everyone cutting their hair ! ?

anyways Beyonce's little sis made a very big statement i think by cutting her hair.
Look below :

you go girl, make your statement !

Monday, July 13, 2009

Can you do me a favor?

Can you do me a favor?
like a



Just show me some !

Thats all i ask.

Show love by doing the following:

1. Actually reading through my blog posts!
2. Subscribe to my blog !
3. Comment !
4. Hit me up & Show me ♥ on Twitter ( !

Its that easy! That simple !
try it!

Joan Rivers made a molestation joke on Michael Jackson!

Joan Rivers made a very rude joke about michael jackson!
She was talking to a reporter and this is the conversation:

Joan Rivers: Someone told me that Michael Jackson died. Is that true?
Reporter: Yes, unfortunately it is.
Joan Rivers: Well, that's good. I can let my grandson take a walk alone again.

Joan, how about when you die, someone can joke about all the HORRIBLE PLASTIC SURGERY!!! [which didnt help you to look any better]


that really made me mad!
like okay the dude is freaking gone! HE WAS A LEGEND!


ily Michael!

lol- i just spent the past 5 minutes looking through all my many pictures! i was looking for a picture where i look angry or mad. but since i dont take those types of pictures i dont have one. i wanted to have a angry picture here so i could visualize my anger!! lmaoo, im geekin..

lmaoo, lemme stop.
well byee!

-Carlton Jane

Dane Cook: The Vicious Circle !

Dane Cook is hilarious!
Watch the full comedey special below!

By the Way; its a little over 2 hours and supersonically funny!

Supersonically-another one of my weird words!
Basically it means really.

-Carlton Jane!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Harry Potter vs. Twilight !!

Remember those Harry Potter days. Man, everyone loved Harry Potter. Once Harry Potter came out everyone and their mama's was rushing to the local theaters; including me.

Everyone wanted to be like Harry, like Ron, like uhh that other girl! [sorry dont remember her name]
Well then twilight came and EVERYONE went to see that. EVERYONE had the posters around their room! EVERYONE had Twilight quotes and pictures all over their Myspaces, Blogs, etc. ALL the girls likes them two guys from twilight and wanted to be just like the girl. ALL the boys...
im not too sure what the guys would like about the twilight cast! but whatever!

SOME people had the little Harry Potter dolls, costumes, etc.

Sadly, Harry Potter never had as much publicity as Twilight. Well, it probably had the same amount of publicity. BUT, everyone liked and/or loved twilight much more; at least thats what i think!

Personally, i like Harry Potter more.
But thats only because i have yet to see Twilight.

But umm yeah!
Which one do you like more!?
Which one would win the best movie?

Have you ever seen "The Great Debate" on Vh1.
This should be one if the topics. I'm gonna submit this!
I think. It may be on there. Not too sure.
Whatever, byee!

-Carlton Jane

Friday, July 10, 2009

Lemme Make Myself Clear; Lady Gaga

Some of my favorite artists are to the left (Drake, Pharell, etc.). But one of them is definitely not one of my favorite artists!

That would be: Lady Gaga!

Okay so her music is okay, i guess. Its kinda corny to me.
But what i love about her is that she's unique.
Her style is fresh !

Like you wont find to many people like that.

The way she dresses is obviously dope !
So yeah, im a FAN of her style but not her music.
Feel me?
Hmm, what do you think?

Cloud Umbrella

I Must Say; this is the dopest umbrella i've ever seen. I just happened to be browsing the internet ! and found this thing. Ima get me one.

Flyer than the rest of em' !

AYO, show love ! [♥]


Yeah, you. The one reading this crap !
Show some

I mean you on my blog anyways. So why not answer the poll on the left, or comment me, subscribe, or hit me up on twitter [] !

Im always available !
Just saying !

-Carlton Jane.

Viva La Future by Love Brigade Collection!

Niceee !

Thursday, July 9, 2009


We all know Stephanie Pratt. The lovely sister of Spencer Pratt. From one of my favorite shows "The Hills" !
Look at them. Aren't they just soo lovely !

But wow ! Is little stephanie having some problems !
Check it out !

Sorry sweetie, but thats not too attractive. And what the heck ? What kind of swimmy thing is that !? Who Knows ?
Oh yeah she's featured in US weekly. About how "The Hills Made Her Bulimic".

She admitted to US weekly that she began her bulimic gestures after watching a scene she did with Lauren Conrad !
"I was horrified. I remember saying, 'I can't believe how huge I look walking over to Lauren.'" - Stephanie Pratt

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Yooo, Charles Hamilton is now just about my favorite mixtape rapper ! When i first saw him on MTV one day. I thought "Geez, who the heck is that?" Then i heard his single "Brooklyn Girls". I immediately fell in love with his music. I, then Googled him and read his bio and all that good crap. Then of course i downloaded every single song i could find by him. NO LIE ! im dead serious right now!

His Fav Color is Pink!
He's Cool.

Click Below to go to any of his websites !

Charles Hamilton's Myspace Page.

Charles Hamilton's Blog.

Charles Hamilton's Music Download Center.

Im listening to one of his songs "Lemme Know".
He sampled some of Rihanna's "Shut up and Drive".
I love this song and all his songs.
Oh yeah, be cautious: he's a tad bit explicit!

I love how he has songs about his exes .
Like "Brittany" and "Toya".

"Windows Media Player" by C.H.
Charles made his beat from his computer. The famous "dun dun dun dun". lol, you probably have no idea what im talking about. but listen to the song its awesome. He bases everything on computer crap. Its cool.

Here's the thing:
He has a certain view of life and religion. !
He has a Super Sonic Philosophy. (whatever that means).
Watch this video to understand his SSP.

He was featured in XXL with Wale, Asher Roth, and B.o.B. !

In some of his songs he sings. Not the best singing in the world but his rapping is sick!
Check some of his songs out below.

Okay, this was extra-ly long.
"extra-ly"; Yeah, its one of my weird made up words.

Well, Point Blank. End of Story: Charles Hamilton is Dope !
So, Check him out. Support him !

i love you, Charles !

-Carlton Jane!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Run Dmc !

I ♥ my run dmc shirt !

Chris is Back !

Finally Chris is back in town ! Monday June 6, 2009. Chris was spotted in Beverly Hills shopping at Kitson Men.

Over the weekend he went to the White Party. Whoop de doop ! He has a life again.

Even through all his drama, im still a fan !

Follow the Chase of Carlton !

Follow me on Twitter !
Click below to go to my Twitter:
Carlton Jane's Twitter

I Just Woke U P !

I woke up around 11am. didnt get in the bed until around 4:50am. not alot of sleep but i can still manage. I woke up and immediately got on my laptop, turned on some music, call a few people, and ate some Tostitos Bite Size Tortilla Chips. Yummy, =]

Im officially probably addicted to blogging and blogs.

So yeah.

Im listening to "Every Girl".

"it dont matter who you is miss, you can get the business !"

lol.i thats my favorite part besides

"for free suites Id give Paris Hilton all-nighters. in about 3 years, holla at me Miley Cyrus !"

they are hilarious.

OMG, ! you have to check out Asher Roth's album "Asleep In The Bread Aisle". Its Sick. This dude has skills. I love all his songs. Im in loveeee!! lol. He's cute. You definitely cant deny that.

Click the link below to go to his blog:
Asher Roth's Blog

My favorite songs off his album would be "Lark on My Go-Kart", "La Di Da", and "Be By Myself".

-Carlton Jane