Wednesday, July 29, 2009

53 year old obssesed fan of Miley Cyrus says "I Will F***ing be with Miley" !

TOP - Mark McLeod; BOTTOM - Miley Cyrus

I've just been informed of some really creepy crap ! Okay so the LAPD arrested a 53 year old obsessed fan of the one and only Miley Cyrus in Georgia ! They arrested Mark Mcleod for "disorderly conduct" on June 23 in Tybee Island, GA. He said some REALLY weird crap to the police too. The creep claimed to be "great friends with Miley" and that Miley "told him to come see her today". He also stated " I will F***ing be with Miley.... We're supposed to be together and [the cops] couldnt stop it"

Okay i thought this was super awkward. McLeod said that Miley sent him "secret messages" on her show Hannah Montana. Then the dude tried to brag about "him maliling her two $2,000 diamond rings". He also downplayed Miley's relationship by saying " Miley is only with the Jonas brother for the press".

EWW - Mugshot and pic of Cyrus !

Here's a video of him and others at Miley's book signing in New York. So umm yeah. check it out !

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