Monday, July 6, 2009

I Just Woke U P !

I woke up around 11am. didnt get in the bed until around 4:50am. not alot of sleep but i can still manage. I woke up and immediately got on my laptop, turned on some music, call a few people, and ate some Tostitos Bite Size Tortilla Chips. Yummy, =]

Im officially probably addicted to blogging and blogs.

So yeah.

Im listening to "Every Girl".

"it dont matter who you is miss, you can get the business !"

lol.i thats my favorite part besides

"for free suites Id give Paris Hilton all-nighters. in about 3 years, holla at me Miley Cyrus !"

they are hilarious.

OMG, ! you have to check out Asher Roth's album "Asleep In The Bread Aisle". Its Sick. This dude has skills. I love all his songs. Im in loveeee!! lol. He's cute. You definitely cant deny that.

Click the link below to go to his blog:
Asher Roth's Blog

My favorite songs off his album would be "Lark on My Go-Kart", "La Di Da", and "Be By Myself".

-Carlton Jane

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