Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Yooo, Charles Hamilton is now just about my favorite mixtape rapper ! When i first saw him on MTV one day. I thought "Geez, who the heck is that?" Then i heard his single "Brooklyn Girls". I immediately fell in love with his music. I, then Googled him and read his bio and all that good crap. Then of course i downloaded every single song i could find by him. NO LIE ! im dead serious right now!

His Fav Color is Pink!
He's Cool.

Click Below to go to any of his websites !

Charles Hamilton's Myspace Page.

Charles Hamilton's Blog.

Charles Hamilton's Music Download Center.

Im listening to one of his songs "Lemme Know".
He sampled some of Rihanna's "Shut up and Drive".
I love this song and all his songs.
Oh yeah, be cautious: he's a tad bit explicit!

I love how he has songs about his exes .
Like "Brittany" and "Toya".

"Windows Media Player" by C.H.
Charles made his beat from his computer. The famous "dun dun dun dun". lol, you probably have no idea what im talking about. but listen to the song its awesome. He bases everything on computer crap. Its cool.

Here's the thing:
He has a certain view of life and religion. !
He has a Super Sonic Philosophy. (whatever that means).
Watch this video to understand his SSP.

He was featured in XXL with Wale, Asher Roth, and B.o.B. !

In some of his songs he sings. Not the best singing in the world but his rapping is sick!
Check some of his songs out below.

Okay, this was extra-ly long.
"extra-ly"; Yeah, its one of my weird made up words.

Well, Point Blank. End of Story: Charles Hamilton is Dope !
So, Check him out. Support him !

i love you, Charles !

-Carlton Jane!

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